Joey Armstrong Comments on How to Use Cision


Joey Armstrong is an expert in just about all phases of marketing. One of his favorite tools is Yes, Cision can be used for press releases, which can be nice when companies he works with have something strong to announce. However, his favorite part of Cision is the ability to leverage their vast range of contacts in television, radio, podcasts, websites, and more. These outlets are constantly in search of experts to contribute to their platform. It is up to marketers like Joey Armstrong to help take advantage of those opportunities.

Cision allows for emails to be sent to up to 5,000 different outlets. The truth is that it is very rare for any pitch to appeal to this large of an audience. One method is to cast a wide net with a pitch to the audience of 5,000 and see what comes back. One thing marketers should understand is that this methodology will alienate a lot of the audience who receives the email. They have an opportunity to unsubscribe to a mailing list. When pitches are sent out that aren’t relevant to them, it may lose a marketer an outlet that would be a great fit for a later story.

The smarter way to utilize the audience on Cision is to narrow down the focus. Pitches can be tailored to unique audiences. Audiences can be trimmed in a variety of ways. The first one needs to be used before any pitch is sent and that is geographical location. If you forget to narrow the search down to the country, it will automatically add outlets that may not even speak your language. This is a wasted opportunity and a surefire way to annoy recipients. Other than geographical location, the audience can be narrowed down by job role.

Narrowing a pitch down based on the job role a person has is extremely helpful when you know what you want out of your pitch. When a client clearly wants to be on a radio program, boxes can be checked to ensure that only radio stations or podcast producers are being contacted. If they only want television opportunities, the same logic applies.

Finally, each pitch should represent a spokesperson who is truly an expert in a given field. This is not to say that only their field can be targeted. A lot of stories blur between segments and it’s actually easier to book a marketing expert outside of a marketing podcast because that outlet won’t want to reward a competitor. However, a sports station may want to speak to a marketing expert who can explain why “X” superstar signed with Nike over Adidas.




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