Why Entry Level Employees Offer So Much Promise
All the signs show that the SEO industry is in a state of growth. As everyone develops their online brand, everyone needs SEO experts who can assist them. To fill the gap, agencies around the nation should look to entry level marketers. Most entry level marketers come from a college or university, but what makes them a good candidate? Joey Armstrong says SEO knowledge can be taught on the job . However, certain personality traits are either possessed by an individual or they are not. For instance, someone won’t be able to improve their SEO knowledge without a genuine sense of curiosity. The mentorship stage at an agency often ends long before a hire would like. There are many clients to help, and a lot of training will need to happen on the job or off-hours. The best entry level employees are curious enough to follow up on gaining certifications afterhours in order to advance their skills and enhance their careers. People who like to write will often make th...